Booster Board

Our Band Booster Club is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteer to provide leadership. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions. Interested in open board positions? Contact us!


President - Katie Ayers

VP1 of Transportation - Troy Curtis

VP2 Ways & Means - Erin Frost

Secretary - Tammy Platts

Treasurer - Michelle Rieber

Sergeant-At-Arms - Angela Wilson

Communications - Joel Bonestell

Some interesting facts about the Board of Directors:
  • Board positions are:  President, VP1 Transportation, VP2 Fundraising, Treasurer, Communications Officer, Sergeant-At-Arms, Secretary
  • Each board position is for a 1 year term
  • The same family may hold no office for more than two (2) consecutive years
  • No family may hold more than one (1) office during a year
  • Board positions may be shared by two voting members while retaining one vote for each elected position

Band Boosters Committees 


General Committees
  • Band Camp - Luia Pulkka & Erik Pulkka 
  • Chaperones - Joel Bonestell & Open Position
  • Formalwear - Carissa Ausenbaugh
  • ​Mentors - Open Position
  • Middle School Liaison - Carissa Ausenbaugh
  • Pit Crew - Stephen Claybrook
  • Props - Peter Siddoway
  • Props Kids - Open Position
  • ​​Social - Open Position
  • Store Manager - Karen Chaney
  • Student Accounts - Karen Chaney
  • Transportation - Troy Curtis
  • Uniforms - Stephanie Bonestell & C.C. Claybrook

Miscellaneous Events Committees
  • Audit Committee - filled in January
  • DCI Coordinator - Open Position
  • Marching Band Family Picnic - Band Booster Board / Social Committee
  • Homecoming Pizza Party
  • Band Banquet
  • Senior Night
  • Nominating Committee - filled in December
Communications - Joel Bonestell    
  • Email Blasts - Joel Bonestell
  • Half Time Announcer - Michele Allen
  • Historian - Sarah Sowers
  • Videographers - Open Position
  • Photographers -  Open Position
  • Webmaster - Open Position

Event Fundraising - Erin Frost
  • Christmas Trees - Open Position​​
  • Corporate Sponsorships - Melanie Brown
  • GoPlaySave - Tammy Platts
  • ​Mattress Sale - Open Position
  • RaiseRight - Erik Pulkka
  • Spirit Nights - Carolyn Mundorf
  • Spirit Wear - Shelly Roe
  • Car Wash - Erik Pulkka
  • Yard Sale - Erin Frost


All volunteers must register with WCPSS and submit to a background check (this is Wake County Schools Policy) annually after July 1st. This can be done online through the EXPSS Website.