Frequently Asked Questions About Marching Band

What is a show shirt?

Each year, the marching band show has a different theme or story. Their “Show Shirt” is a special shirt designed for that year. Each student will receive one show shirt as part of their band fees. Additional show shirts may be purchased so the student has extra or for parents, family, and friends to wear to support the band.

Show shirts are worn as part of the informal uniform when the weather is too hot for formal uniforms, under uniforms at each football game and competition, and once the students change out of their uniforms at venues to maintain a uniform look for the band. It lets people know who our students are representing, even out of uniform.

We do ask our parent volunteers to wear our show shirt when volunteering with the band to make them easily recognizable as part of the group. However, a solid black shirt will be sufficient if purchasing a show shirt is not preferred.



What are "Dinkles"?

While the band provides uniforms, each student will have to purchase their own marching shoes, or "Dinkles." They are purchased through the uniform committee so everyone will have exactly the same style. There will be sample sizes on hand during uniform fittings so your child can try on different sizes and order the size that fits them best.



What to bring to Band Camp?
Have your child dress in athletic shoes (sneakers), a hat, and lightweight, light-colored clothing (shorts/no jeans), as it will be hot. They cannot march in flip-flops. Make sure your child has a large personal water jug (1 gallon or more is recommended!) with their name written on it in permanent marker. Band parents working band camp will offer water to refill water jugs throughout the day.



What is a competition?

During the season, the Marching Band will compete in competitions. These occur on Saturdays, generally during October; occasionally, one may happen in November. Locations and times will vary.


It is important that you continuously check the band calendar and carefully read emails from the band boosters for instructions and call times. It is highly recommended that you subscribe to the band's Google Calendar, Facebook, Twitter, and Mr. Jarvis' Remind 101. As a member of Membership Toolkit, you are automatically signed up for email blasts.



What is a section?

Your child, depending on what instrument they play or whether they are in the Visual Ensemble/Color Guard, is part of a group that plays the same instrument called a section. Each section has its own section leader, an upperclassman with marching band experience. The marching band as a whole is under the leadership of the Drum Major, and then Mr. Jarvis is the Band Director. There will be other professional staff brought in to help each section become the best they can be.


In our marching band, we have the front ensemble (or "pit"); this section is stationary in the front of the band, then drumline, flutes/piccolos, clarinets, tenor and baritone saxophones, trumpets, mellophones, baritones or trombones, tubas, and the visual ensemble. The Band President, a student appointed by Mr. Jarvis, works closely with the Drum Major to lead the band.



My child is a rising 9th grader, but he or she is not the best instrumentalist. Will they be able to participate?
Absolutely! Not everyone is a maestro, and that is okay. All we ask is that they be respectful of others, do their best, be on time to all practices and call times, and be committed to attending football games and competitions.



My child will be away on vacation during band camp. Can he or she still participate?
If your child cannot attend band camp, they will miss valuable instruction time. Attending band camp, all practices, football games, and competitions is mandatory in order to participate in marching band.

The director has the final say if attendance is going to be an issue and if the absence will impact how or if the student participates as part of the ensemble.



Where do they practice?

 The band practices in a variety of places. When they are inside, they practice in the band room or auditorium. Occasionally, students will divide into their sections and find different spots around campus to rehearse as a group. Throughout the season, you’ll frequently find them on the practice field or the top level of the student parking deck.


When can parents and families see the marching band perform?

 At the end of band camp, we will host a Parent Performance. This is usually the first chance our students have to perform the show they've been learning before taking the field at a football game or competition. Once football season is in full swing, the marching band will perform at football games during halftime or after the game. The band does not travel to away games. Parents who are not volunteering will need to purchase a ticket to the football games. Tickets are $10 through the GoFan app. Proceeds benefit the Apex Cougar Club. Alternatively, family passes are available via the Apex Cougar Club. Family passes may be beneficial if you regularly attend multiple sporting events at the school.

Friday night football games are a lot of fun, and the band plays throughout the game. They take a break during the third quarter to get some food and drink. Band students are required to stay until the end of the game and will march together out of the stadium back to the band room.

Other opportunities to see the band perform include practices—anyone can come watch the band practice! And of course, many band boosters go to the Saturday band competitions. We need parents to volunteer to help the band and all of the equipment travel to the competitions. It is helpful to have parents cheering them on in the stands at each competition.

Competition details will be announced at the beginning of each season. Details such as call time, performance time, etc., are given during the week of each competition in the weekly blast, through email during the week, and on social media. Competitions are often the best times to see the band perform because the conditions are optimal. The stadium, for the most part, is quiet because the audience is there strictly to see the bands perform. Seeing the band perform live is most desirable, but alternatively, we upload videos onto our YouTube Channel so you can view them anytime or send the link to long-distance relatives!


Can you recommend a good private instructor?
For the best experience, it is best to talk to a few music schools and instructors to find the right fit for your child and then establish some goals with your child and the instructor. This list of local instructors, curated by another WCPSS band instructor, can help you get started.


What can I do to help the band?
There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available for any amount of time you've got to give. Visit our Volunteering page to see what opportunities are available for you to get involved.

Have more questions?

Email for more info.